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3 strategies for a stress-less family holiday

lifestyle Apr 30, 2017

When I was growing up I dreaded family holidays.

I remember long hot days in the car, my parents sending out distinctive stress vibes as my brothers fought endlessly over one inch of space on the car seat between them.

I was always unsure why we went away: surely being at home was better for everyone?

Now thanks to the Internet, and a different approach to traveling, family holiday stress can be greatly reduced.

Here are three strategies for taking the stress out of your next holiday.

1. Plan to do less

Our modern lives are starved of one essential nutrient: time. We rush from one thing on our “to do” list to the next, and this list is particularly long when we have children!

For your family holiday, then, avoid the temptation to schedule in a lot of activities and sightseeing. Take the pressure off and plan to do far, far less than you would do in a normal day. It is a holiday after all!

The less you plan, the more time and space there will be for reading, relaxing and spontaneous adventures.

Planning less also means you create plenty of space for possible hiccups and delays.

2. Pack less (much, much less than you think you need)

Hauling a suitcase around for yourself is no fun. Hauling multiple cases for an entire family is even less fun.

The less you pack, the less there is to carry. There is also less to unpack and wash. And there is definitely less to accidentally leave behind!

Be ruthlessly zen with your packing. Think in terms of being minimalist and relaxed. Avoid being tempted to bring lots of things “in case” of all sorts of scenarios.

The bare essentials plus one or two things to keep the kids entertained will be more than enough.

3. Stay in an apartment or rental home

One of the best things to happen to family travel in a long time is Airbnb and the rise of people offering their homes and apartments for short-term holiday lets.

Renting an apartment or a house often will work out a lot cheaper than paying for multiple hotel rooms. You will also have a greater choice of location, and get a chance to see a side of a holiday destination that will be different from a normal tourist.

Staying in an apartment also gives you space to breathe and rest, as well as an opportunity to cook for yourself if you fancy it.

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